In his first-ever comedy special, the popular comic actor and musician reveals surprisingly edgy, hysterically honest tales of his failed attempts at being a gangster, his humble roots, marriage, fatherhood and his thoughts about the rapper Eminem. Shot at the Palms Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada.
- Twitter – 4,173,162 followers
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Rights: | Regions: |
DVD | Europe, Africa, Australia, NZ |
VOD | Europe, Africa, Australia, NZ |
TV | Europe, Africa, Australia, NZ |
DIGITAL | Europe, Africa, Australia, NZ |
MOBILE | Europe, Africa, Australia, NZ |
Specs: | |
Definition | HD |
Audio | Stereo |
Ratio | 16:9 |
Year of recording | 2011 |
Duration | 91 min |
Subtitles | – |